With the month of May nearly upon us, we found ourselves happily on our way to visit Winter: the snowy Sierra range at Mammoth Lakes, CA.
Through out November, December and January, the snow reports from up north kept coming in: more and more snow.
Nearly unbelievable, except for the fact that while the snow was falling to the north, the rain was streaming down in the south.
Cut to the last days of April, much of the melt off had begun but it had hardly made a dent in the amount of snow pack.
To see it up close certainly provided a fantastic setting for our ski adventure. With the snow so deep and the weather so mild, we had some epic days.
Crystal Crag in the back, Virginia in the front. Our favorite loop around Lake Mary. This year, plenty of thick ice and snow afforded skiing across the lakes directly. A fun new perspective.
The upper lakes and the front slopes of Crystal Crag.
The lucky upper half of the trees getting sun and new needles.
High altitude sun and summer hat go together well on this day out in the forest.
Virginia picks the lunch spot.
On the alpine slopes, the crowds are way down, snow is up & conditions are fantastic.
The Minarets (snow-less to the left) and Mt. Ritter (largest peak on the right). 25 miles beyond is Yosemite National Park.
On the summit: Mammoth Mountain. 11,053ft.
For this day, I was the last one off the top. Whoot!! The long descent down was awash in afternoon sun and warmth. Unforgettable.
There is so much terrain to ski here. This view shows just a sliver.
Everyone is happy at our our Apres-ski beer session.
Saving the best for last.
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