We visited Carrizo Plain for Earth Day weekend 2018. A strange name for sure. It's a National Monument in Central/Western California.
Wikipedia describes it best: "A large enclosed grassland plain....the largest single native grassland remaining in California." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrizo_Plain
It became a National Monument in 2001 thanks to President Bill Clinton. For generations before that, it was ranchland. Lots of iconic structural leftovers still there today: Old farming stuff, cattle fencing, crumbling barns, sheds and water tanks. Rusty stuff about.
Also, there is little pavement. Miles and miles of dirt and gravel and dust.
It's known for these cool features:
- Wicked wildflower booms in the spring (in wet winters only)
- A huge seasonal lake (Soda Lake) that leaves behind white and grey salty mineral dust on top of dark gooey mud during the dry season
- Painted rock: Petroglyphs from the natives dating back 3000 years.
- Birds, birds, birds and more birds. The vast amount of grass support endless insects for birds to thrive
- Elk. We counted about 55 to 60 across two groups feeding
- The San Andreas fault
- The Caliente mountain range
- The Tumbler mountain range

Our campsite by day.

Our campsite by night.

An old farm shed still stands within the campground.


Horse corals for those that trailer them in.


The surface of Soda Lake during the dry season.

A Doug's Wife spying on the Elk.

Not water. Not snow. Salty dusty crunchy left over evaporate. Gooey hot mud underneath.

Heavily used animal trail for miles around the entire shoreline.

No map. Our curiosity leads the way.

Old MacDonald had a farm. And on his farm he had a truck with bullet holes.

A birds everywhere.

Vast grasslands and morning sun.

We hiked along the San Andreas fault.

Our campsite is near the trees. In the far distance is the San Andreas Fault, the small light colored band where the grass meets the mountains.

Good times exploring the Caliente foothills.

Hill and dale (background) and badger den (foreground).

Cattle fence.

Flowing in the wind.